Thursday, December 2, 2010

Merry Christmas!

What a joyous time of the year! The spirit of Christmas it in the air! We can see it in the faces of children and they stand in joyful anticipation. We can hear it in the voices of adults as they speak more kindly. Our hearts appear to burst forth with songs of peace.

The message of Christmas is “the good news of great joy to all people.” It is a time to celebrate the awakened Christ consciousness in each of us. In his book, A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Christmas Story, Rev. Ed Townley shares that

Metaphysically what we celebrate each Christmas is…the birth of Christ awareness. What Jesus brought to us was a spark of new light, new possibility --- light that shines through the darkness of human confusion and illuminates the spiritual truth of who we are.

Christmas is a time of giving. We cannot give without receiving or receive without giving. Both giving and receiving are contained in one action; they are the two ends of the same process, like the very breath we give and receive.

You are requested to remember your church with a special gift this season. Charles Fillmore reminds us to “Give in a spirit of love and give when you cannot see any possibility of return. Put real substance into your gift by giving the substance of the heart with the token of money…the spiritual minded person does not make selfish use of the law but gives because he loves to give…and his return is all the more certain.” (PROSPERITY, p. 143, 144, 153)

My heart overflows with the joy of being of service to God in this ministry. I send you heartfelt love andpeace and joy. Glory to God in the highest, for the Christ is born anew in us today!

In love and light,

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